Tag Archives: Mechanical Torque Wrenches

An overview of industrial tools used by workers in industries

Every industry relies on tools for their daily works and operations. Most of the operations that are performed by the workers are done with the help of some tools. These tools are the best friends of any worker working in an industry. They make his work easier, faster and accurate.

light-weight-torque-wrenches1The industrial tools include a vast range of tools ranging from fixed tools to portable or handheld tools. The fixed tools are the one that are placed in a section of industry and cannot be moved to other areas of the industry for further works. They are meant to do the heavy works such as punching metal, cutting metals, lifting heavy metal goods, etc. On the other hand, the handheld tools are meant to do the lighter operations requiring much less amount of force such as drilling, welding, fastening and loosening, filing, grinding, etc. The handheld tools can easily be transported or carried in hand by the workers from one part of industry to another.

Here is a list of handheld tools that are widely used in most of the industries all around the world.
Surface grinders

torque-screw-driver1A surface grinder is used for creating a very smooth and textured surface so that a good look could be given to the finished product. A good mirror finish indicates the high quality of the product. The surface grinder files the topmost layer of the metal out of it so that there is a mirror finish obtained. Another version of surface grinder is an angle grinder. An angle grinder is used for cutting iron rods, t-iron bars and steel angles. They are very useful for the industries where it is not possible to take the iron bars and angles to the heavy cutting machine.

Drilling machines

You can find both fixed drills and portable drilling machines in the industries. The portable drilling machines are used to make holes in the areas where the fixed drill cannot reach such as walls or particular machine in another area of company. You can make holes of varying diameters using a portable drilling machine with a great precision. The drill bits of the drill machines are especially designed for bearing the high impacts of the forces that are exerted on them during the process of drilling.


Wrenches are important tools that are used in industrial plants for loosening or tightening of fasteners. Wrenches are available in two variants basically. One is impact wrench and the other one is torque wrench. The impact wrench is less accurate than the torque wrench, as, in torque wrench, you can easily measure the amount of force applied, and you can also control the force applied. The torque wrenches come in several types such as simple torque wrench, hydraulic torque wrench and pneumatic torque wrench. Out of all, the hydraulic torque wrenches give you most accurate operations, and they are very silent in operations, hence do not create a noisy environment while operating.