Hydraulic Wrenches – Adding Perfection to the Process

A hydraulic wrench is purposely used to apply specified preset torque on the fasteners. As the name suggests, hydraulic power is used to apply the torque on the fasteners. Employing wrong torque on the fasteners can result in improper fit or sometimes damages the fastener. By nature, it is designed to be quite and light weight device. The amount of torque applied has to be determined accurately by the device.

Operating Instructions:

  • The hydraulic wrench has to be positioned over the nut tightly.
  • Reaction structure has to be inspected carefully before operation. It must be rigid enough to accommodate the torque forces.
  • To prevent the non-tightening nut from turning employ backing wrenches.
  • The required type of hydraulic wrench has to be selected only after estimating the amount of torque to be applied.
  • Loosening bolts is not always successful. Especially, in case of a frozen or corroded nut.
  • A bad nut requires large amounts of torque inputs to unfasten it. Hence, the material of the nut has to be inspected for a considerable amount of strength to accept the input torque.



The torque wrench has to be inspected regularly for damages and satisfactory operation.

  • The hydraulic couplings must be cleaned off from the dust materials.
  • Moving parts should be lubricated with the specified lubricant by the manufacturer.
  • Go over the entire length of hoses carefully. In case of cuts, abrasion or damage, it is advisable to replace the hoses with newer ones.
  • Quick connect couplings should be coated with water repellent sprays.
  • Calibration of the wrenches has to be done regularly.


The specifications of the wrench can bring out a complete picture of the device and helps one choose the perfect one for the application. The following are a few specifications:

  • Torque range
  • Bolt width
  • Power head weight
  • Work head weight
  • Physical dimensions
  • Specifications of the pump which involves voltage, pressure, main consumption, temperatures.

Components and Accessories:

  • Body made from high strength material.
  • Cylinder and link must have a flat design.
  • Swivels can allow the complete rotation of the duplex hoses.
  • Quick connect couplers.
  • A link pin is used to connect the cassette link to the cylinder.
  • Multi tooth ratchet assembly.
  • A torsion free reaction while operation can be ensured by the inline reaction pad.
  • Sliders are employed to reduce friction on the piston surface.

Safety Precautions:

  • The maximum working pressure shouldn’t be exceeded.
  • Before the operation, ensure that all connections are tightly fit.
  • Any equipment shouldn’t be tightened under pressure
  • While handling backing wrenches make sure that, you keep your limbs as far as possible.
  • Bend hoses can lead to accidents in the work area or even lead to damage of equipment.
  • Often, the operator might need a support in handling the torque wrench.

Author’s Bio: The author is an experienced service engineer who is currently working for http://www.powermaster.in/. The author takes an active part in trouble shooting, service and repairing of the products. The author also aims at developing service technical documentation.

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